NIP : 195412031979031000
Jabatan : Guru Besar
Kepakaran : Chemical technology and engineering
Total sitasi scopus : 425
H-index di scopus : 10
Publikasi Jurnal |
Ilhamy, M.R.F., Burhan, K.H., Manurung , R. 2020. An Increase of Silicon Recovery from Oryza sativa L. Husk by Cow Rumen Fluid Treatment. 3BIO: Journal of Biological Science, Technology and Management 2(2):30-38. | |||||||||
Abduh, M.Y., Ibarahim, I.N., Atika, U., Manurung , R, dan Suheryadi, D. 2020. Influence of water stress and plant age on the yield and chemical composition of essential oil from Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt. Biotropica. Vol 27(1). | |||||||||
Yustinadiar, N., Manurung , R, dan Suantika, G. 2020. Enhanced biomass productivity of microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. in an airlift photobioreactor using low-frequency flashing light with blue LED. Bioresources and Bioprocessing. Vol. 7(1). | |||||||||
Zakaria, A., Rahman,E.N., Rahmani, U.N., Manurung , R, Puad, NIM., dan Abduh, M.Y. 2019. A production of carrageenan by different strains of Kappaphycus alvarezii cultivated in Serang, Indonesia. IUUM Engineering Journal. P-ISSn 1511-758X. E-ISSN 2289-7860. Vol.20(2): 1-10. | |||||||||
Abduh, M.Y., Syaripudin, Putri, L.W., dan Manurung , R. 2019. Effect of storage time on moisture content of Reutealis trisperma seed and its effect on acid value of the isolated oil and produced biodiesel. Energy Reports. E-ISSN 2532-4847. Vol.5. Hal. 1375-1380. | |||||||||
Fajar, A., Ammar, G.A., Hamzah, M., Manurung , R dan Abduh, M.Y. 2019. Effect of tree age on the yield, productivity, and chemical composition of essential oil from Cinnamomum burmannii. Vol.1(1): 17-22. | |||||||||
Abduh, M.Y., Jamilah, M., Istiandari, P., Syaripudin, Manurung , R. 2017. Bioconversion of rubbers seeds to produce protein and oil-rich biomass using black solder fly larva assisted by microbes. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5 591-597. | |||||||||
Abduh, M.Y., Manurung, R., Heeres, H.J. 2017. Techno-Economic Analysis for Small Scale Production of Rubber Seed Oil and Biodiesel in Palangkaraya, Indonesia. Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 5 268-273. | |||||||||
Abduh, M.Y., Manurung, R., Faustina, A., Affanda, E., Siregar, I.R.H. 2017. Bioconversion of Pandanus tectorius using black soldier fly larvae for the production of edible oil.and protein-rich biomass. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5 803-809. | |||||||||
Pemalakah Forum Ilmiah |
Abduh, M.Y., Manurung , R., Syaripudin, Istiandari, P., Melinda, R., Ibrahim, I.N., Atika, U. 2017. Techno-economic analysis for the production of citronella oil using a biorefinery concept. 1st International Conference of Essential Oils. Essential Oil Institute. Malang-Indonesia | |||||||||
Abduh, M.Y., Manurung, R., Ibrahim, I.N., Atika, U. 2017. Influence of Water Input and Plant Age on the Yield and Composition of Essential Oil from Cymbopogon Winterianus Jowitt. 1st International Conference of Essential Oils. Essential Oil Institute. Malang-Indonesia | |||||||||
Abduh, M.Y., Ono, J.M., Khairani, M., Manurung, R. 2017. The Influence of light intensity on the protein content of Azolla microphylla and pre-treatment with Saccharomyces cerevisae to increase protein recovery. 4th International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystem Engineering. IPN Education Group. New Delhi-India | |||||||||
Abduh, M.Y., Jamilah, M., Istiandari, P., Nadia, M.H., Syaripudin, Manurung, R. 2017. Bioconversion of rubber seeds to produce protein and oil-rich biomass employing black soldier fly larvae assisted by microbes. 9th Asian Federation of Biotechnology Regional Symposium. Asia Federation of Biotechnology. Manila-Filipina |