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Dr. Muhammad Yusuf Abduh


NIP                : 198307252010121003
Jabatan        : Lektor Kepala
Kepakaran  : Chemical technology and engineering


Total sitasi scopus : 25
H-index di scopus : 3




Pemalakah Forum Ilmiah (2017)
Abduh, M.Y., Manurung , R.,  Syaripudin, Istiandari, P., Melinda, R., Ibrahim, I.N., Atika, U. 2017. Techno-economic analysis for the production of citronella oil using a biorefinery concept. 1st International Conference of Essential Oils. Essential Oil Institute. Malang-Indonesia
Abduh, M.Y., Manurung, R., Ibrahim, I.N., Atika, U. 2017. Influence of Water Input and Plant Age on the Yield and Composition of Essential Oil from Cymbopogon Winterianus Jowitt. 1st International Conference of Essential Oils. Essential Oil Institute. Malang-Indonesia
Abduh, M.Y., Ono, J.M., Khairani, M., Manurung, R. 2017. The Influence of light intensity on the protein content of Azolla microphylla and pre-treatment with Saccharomyces cerevisae to increase protein recovery. 4th International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystem Engineering. IPN Education Group. New Delhi-India
Abduh, M.Y., Jamilah, M., Istiandari, P., Nadia, M.H., Syaripudin, Manurung, R. 2017. Bioconversion of rubber seeds to produce protein and oil-rich biomass employing black soldier fly larvae assisted by microbes. 9th Asian Federation of Biotechnology Regional Symposium. Asia Federation of Biotechnology. Manila-Filipina


Publikasi Jurnal (2017)
Abduh, M.Y., Jamilah, M., Istiandari, P., Syaripudin,  Manurung , R. 2017. Bioconversion of rubbers seeds to produce protein and oil-rich biomass using black solder fly larva assisted by microbes. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5 591-597.
Abduh, M.Y., Manurung, R., Heeres, H.J. 2017. Techno-Economic Analysis for Small Scale Production of Rubber Seed Oil and Biodiesel in Palangkaraya, Indonesia. Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 5 268-273.
Abduh, M.Y., Manurung, R., Faustina, A., Affanda E., Siregar, I.R.H. 2017. Bioconversion of Pandanus tectorius using black soldier fly larvae for the production of edible oil.and protein-rich biomass. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5  803-809.


Publikasi  Buku  (2017)
Abduh, M.Y., Tarigan, N.B., Widiasri, E. 2017. Dari ITB untuk Indonesia: Biorefinery Padi. Bandung : Penerbit ITB. ISBN 978-602-5417-39-9


Penghargaan  (2017)
Penghargaan ITB Bidang Karya Inovasi


Bio Proshafa Karya. Bidang Kecantikan dan Kesehatan


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